Here are two strategies, or agreements, from Don Miguel Ruiz's book, The Four Agreements. The first agreement is from the perspective of the purveyor of gossip: Be impeccable with your word. Choose wisely the words and thoughts you place on other people, and speak with integrity. You have a choice when you open your mouth and form sounds. You can either spread hatred, anger and negativity which only alienates those around you; or you can promulgate truth, love and gratitude which lifts the people around you. It seems obvious to me, but ask yourself who you would rather surround yourself with.
The second strategy is the second agreement from the perspective of the target of gossip: Don't take anything personally. This is a tough concept for me to grasp because I tend to get angry when someone takes advantage of or hurts someone else. But, the idea here is that anything that another person does is because of them and their thoughts, NOT because of you! This seems like a complete contradiction to the philosophy of "an eye for an eye." Think about this concept instead: The only people you should try to get even with are those who have helped you. This mentality releases you from keeping score of the negativity cast toward you. You will begin to seek out the positive influences in your life and devote your effort to perpetuate the good.
So, here are assignments for this week.
- Make an effort to end all gossip that comes your way. Break that chain, today! Begin to build your world based on love.
- If you have been "keeping score" of all the bad experiences in your life then wipe that slate clean. Work to become immune to the negative opinions of others so that you can begin to see the positivity that people bring to you. Keep track of these good events and good people, and write a thank you note!
I believe in each and every one of you!