I'm beginning an online master's program in Organization Leadership through Regis University today. No joke! The first assignment is to post an introductory email about myself and then comment on the other students' emails.
This is a much different forum than the sit-in-class undergrad stuff. It seems most students are already successful and happy. But then I came across one email from a woman who candidly stated she has suffered from low self-esteem in the past. Her honesty surprised me at first but as I thought about it more and more I realized how common this is.
So why is it so weird to hear someone admit it? I know I've had moments (or longer) of self-doubt and I always felt like I was showing a weakness in admitting it. But then something hit me. I've spent a lot of time reading and studying the words of Dale Carnegie and Norman Vincent Peale in the last 2 years. They both did a great job of showing me how to treat other people to build them up. What about me? How do I build someone up if I'm doubting myself?
The point that hit me is this: Before you can show your smile to the world you have to show it to yourself. In the words of Og Mandino, "YOU ARE THE GREATEST MIRACLE IN THE WORLD." Remember that always. Act like it. Find peace with the miracle looking back at you in the mirror, use the Carnegie and Peale principles when you talk to yourself and then share that smile. Your smile is a powerful tool for you to use to change someone's life. Your smile is a spark to ignite the flame of happiness in another.
Perhaps it wasn't my place, but I replied to this woman. I told her we all face those times of low self-esteem but reminded her that she was on the brink of a massive accomplishment at Regis. I hope to God that spark sets her world ablaze!!!
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