As I thought more and more about that phrase I wanted to put some meaning behind each sentence, or suggestion. I know it is overly simple as a life mantra...or is it? Those six words say a lot! They represent some classic gateway principles to a happy and fulfilled life.
Have Fun.
This supports the idea that you get just one shot at life and it is your responsibility to enjoy it. No one else can do that for you. Recently Volkswagen ran an add with the text "It's not the miles, it's how you live them." Below is the commercial for that ad. Wonderful!! That is a witty spin off of a classic quote credited to Abraham Lincoln. "And in the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years." Enjoy this ride because you only get to take it once...Have Fun.
Play Hard.
The undertone here is one of just playing, but that's not the case. This part of the slogan comes from a couple different sources. The first is General George Patton who said, "Always do more than is required of you." But I like Og Mandino's approach. He said, "Exercise your privilege to go the extra mile, and enjoy all the rewards you receive." It is your privilege to do more. Playing hard is saying give it your all. Make this moment count by putting in the effort and you will excel. Why? Minimal effort is equivalent to mediocrity. Life is a blessing and moments are opportunities, so tackle every single task with a fire of enthusiasm. This principle is a foundation of leadership, too. We lead all the time. We lead by example for our children, our co-workers, our family and anyone, whether we know of them or not, who looks to us as an example. Give it your all. Fight mediocrity. Play Hard.
Be Happy.
The last statement is more than a suggestion; It's a reminder. Happiness comes from inside you, not the outside forces that surround you. I will be honest here and tell you that I constantly have to remind myself of this. I tend to let things bother me. I become reactive to my environment rather than create my mood. One of my absolute favorite quotes is by one of the greatest coaches and mentors of all time, John Wooden. He said, "Things turn out best for those who make the best of how things turn out." I remind myself of that quote frequently when I need to remind myself that my emotions start inside me. If I accept and make peace with what comes my way I become the master of my ship. This last quote is for Bambi, who always seems to have a sincere smile on her face no matter what. "I can't change the direction of the wind, but I adjust my sails to always reach my destination." ~ Jimmy Dean. Make your destination happiness. This last trait will make the previous two much easier and meaningful. Be Happy.
I believe so deeply in these ideas that it has become the unofficial mantra of our store. We have it on our t-shirts, on our front window in large letters, and we include it in every advertisement. I hope every single person who passes by our windows or sees an ad takes a moment to contemplate the meaning. I told you I love sharing positive messages. Enjoy your life, give it everything you've got, and captain your own ship.
Have Fun. Play Hard. Be Happy.