I've recently begun reading Lee Child's books featuring his character, Jack Reacher. I'm enjoying the way Child writes and describes situations. This morning I was reading the second book in the series, Die Trying, and got to a part in which Child described Reacher crawling through a narrowing cave in the side of a mountain. I literally found myself flying through the words in a panic.
Child does an amazing job describing Reacher, who is similarly sized to me, crawling, scraping and nudging his way, inch by inch, through a very narrow tunnel in complete and total darkness. At one point, the point where panic set in for me, Child describes the tunnel ending and being too narrow and shallow for Reacher to move his arms or get leverage to push backward and retreat. Reacher panicked. I panicked. It was one of the most riveting series of descriptions I've ever read. I was there with Reacher experiencing the situation and I couldn't stop until I found out what happened. Child painted the scene wonderfully.
A couple hours later I sat drinking my morning coffee and it hit me. I've never really read something that elicited such genuine emotion in me. I fretted for Reacher. I fretted for a situation that I felt myself in. What if I read something that elicited the opposite emotions? Why wait to read someone else's words to make me feel this way? What if I invested as much emotional intensity and focus on painting the scene for the life I want? Could I believe and visualize aspects of my own life with such fervent conviction? Of course I can!
I am challenging myself here. This train of thought is exactly in alignment with the Law of Attraction. "What we can conceive and believe, we can achieve." The Law of Attraction is an active approach to life, despite what the name implies. I can't simply sketch a picture of where, what or how I want to be. This would be such a perfunctory attempt to create my life. I've got to sit on the edge of my seat with my mind completely focused on this conception. I must block out the distractions around me; the naysayers, the critics, the myriad of interferences life throws my way and focus. I must paint the scene with such definition and certainty that I find myself there, just like I did with Reacher. I believe then, and only then, will I be able to truly bring it all together.