"Happiness is like a butterfly; the more you chase it the more it will elude you, but if you turn your attention to other things, it will come and sit softly on your shoulder..." ~ Henry David ThoreauThe search for happiness is filled with dead-ends and wrong road signs. It's a maze of mediocrity. I'd hoped I would round the corner again and again and there it would be...happiness. I search ahead of my path and outside myself for something magical. Everything I need to be happy is, in fact, right beneath my feet and in my heart. I began to transition my thoughts from finding happiness to realizing what it is to be happy. It's appreciation.
What I found was that a gap existed between those two mindsets. On one hand, my search for happiness left me constantly feeling dissatisfied. On the other hand, my realization that I needn't search anywhere produced instant satisfaction and appreciation. The gap--the time it took to understand this--was a breeding ground for negative thoughts.
No matter what I did in my search I left the scene somewhat empty. No "action" ever produced the happiness I thought I needed. Happiness is not a action; it's a feeling. Nothing could have possibly been around the next corner that would have caused me to end my search. Nothing was good enough to satisfy what I believed I desired. Repeated frustration and dissatisfaction were the air and water to make my negativity grow.
Conversely, happiness is the feeling of literally standing still and appreciating all that your senses are bringing in right now. Nothing outside of your mind or heart will produce that feeling, so the realization comes when you understand the tools you need to refocus on positivity and the elements you need to make it grow already exist at this exact moment.
The gap between the two mindsets need not exist. The ground where you once farmed negative thoughts can instantly become a garden of appreciation. And, when the positive thoughts have taken over the mind begins to unleash a bounty of joy and happiness.
Stop trying to find your happiness in some other place and starting realizing only you hold the key to unlock the vault of happiness already inside you.