Thursday, May 16, 2013

Finding Action in Passivity

I'm a little intrigued by the idea of action versus passivity.  Even the word--passivity--seems so pliable to me.  In my mind it conjures up images of a leaf fluttering through the air, slave to a gentle breeze without control of where it may land.  I have long thought of the idea of passivity as synonymous with being void of any driving motivation.  A state in which someone simply succumbs to any pressure or influence.  A state in which some one's very existence is decided by someone or something else.  Yes, I've had pretty harsh thoughts about it.

As such, I've felt conflicted between the life concepts of taking action and going with the flow.  In a previous post I wrote about this and the locus of control.  Perhaps I tend to think in terms of all or nothing.  I'm here to admit there is a flaw in my thought process and the two need not be mutually exclusive.  Action can, and does, exist in passivity.  I've heard two comments recently that precipitate this entry...
"I hope to enjoy what's left of my life."
"I'm just trying to get through the day." 
Both of these statements initially struck me as sad.  They seemed to explain a sadness and loss of control.  I pictured the people who said these as simply lost and unsure whether they had a say in where their lives were headed.  Passivity.  But, action can, and does, exist in passivity.

Passivity is "being the subject of action rather than causing action" (  Think of it like this.  A stone that becomes swept up in a stream's current has no say in the direction it moves, but it becomes active in movement rolling and bashing into everything in its way.  A rolling stone gathers no moss.  Action.  A flag that flies in the wind has no say in the direction is flies, but it stands proudly at attention and flaps violently.  Flags are designed to display their significance when in full flight.  Action.

Your life, your surroundings, your situation or the people around you may have some say in the direction you travel, which may cause you to feel passive, but they have no control over the deliberateness of your movement in that direction.
"Things turn our best for those who make the best of the way things turn out." ~ John Wooden  
Passivity merely describes your resistance to the influence and not your ability to take control of the opportunity for excellence before you.  We may not all have the exact same opportunity for greatness but greatness is completely subjective.  Absolutely nothing prevents us from taking action to be great in whatever we choose to do along this path in life.  Be the rock in the river, roll with intent and smash into your obstacles.  Be the flag in the wind, fly proud and flap harder and faster than any other.  Be you, live with intent and pride, and be the absolute best you possible.

Action.  Passivity.  Opportunities.  Choices.  Life is a wonderful mix of them all.

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