"You can't do passion halfway. Living your passion means you're all in. You trust your heart and trust your gut wherever that takes you." ~ Joe PlumeriI expected them to chant DEFENSE or SPARTANS or some other generic rah, rah go team phrase. But ALL IN is a phrase that's been on my mind a lot lately. It's also been on my fingertips and the tip of my tongue as I write and talk about my life. So, being exactly who I am, I started thinking about what that means to me. The first place I went was to my son. I asked him why they chant ALL IN and he replied, "I don't know. They just told us to at the beginning so we do." Ok, that was no help!
ALL IN: They're two very short words and, seemingly, quite generic. But the first impression is that this signifies a commitment. Bear in mind that I'm speaking from the point of view of how I use that phrase in life rather than how a basketball spectator uses it to watch the game.
Following the game I drove two hours back home and that phrase just kept popping into my head. ALL IN is more than just an utterance of commitment. It's not a generic chant, but rather a bold exclamation. The ALL of this phrase states every ounce of your being--including your body, mind, spirit, heart and soul--is involved in this.
As the quote above suggests, it's a passion, an impetus towards something great. That distinction separates this experience from a commitment. With a commitment you have made a choice. You've deliberated the pros and cons, and found greater value in the benefits than the impact of the detriments, and that is the point. With a commitment some part of you retains hesitation and caution is born. I believe to proclaim the word ALL, with absolute sincerity, is to describe yourself wholly.
The IN of this phrase suggests inclusion; an offering to participate. Seeking inclusion to participate in an activity or event is preceded by an agreement. "I understand the situation and I'd like to participate."
"There's no where you can be that isn't where you're meant to be..." ~ John LennonSo what, exactly, makes ALL IN different? Why am I writing about this? It's because being ALL IN is not a choice. There is no deliberation or qualification to join. There is no asking for guidance prior. It's literally surrendering to the magnetic impulses of your soul, not by succumbing to force or coercion, but by creating intentions for your journey and letting go. It's simply an understanding that every part of you is every part of this, without question and without reservation. It's ALL IN.